For Patients and Families
Rest assured that you, or your loved ones’, healthcare wishes will be honored by medical professionals. With MIDEO’s video advance care planning, your advance directive can translate your wishes into medical and legal terms and conveniently accessed through a QR code.
For Health Plans and Clinicians
Improve patient care and reduce costs when you understand your patient’s critical and end-of-life health care wishes. MIDEO communicates advance care directives through QR Code so that it’s accessible for medical professionals, lawyers and patients, alike.
How does MIDEO work?
Transform your advance care planning with video. Accessible, by QR code, MIDEO is the advance care planning platform that makes it easy to communicate your healthcare wishes when you can no longer do it yourself.
Our Services
Advance Care Planning for All Stages of Life
As of January 1, 2016, Medicare has now approved billing codes that allow you to receive Advance Care Planning Education & Counseling. At MIDEO, we offer what’s called “Emergency & Critical Advance Care Planning.” In this training, we educate patients and families to understand the differences between a sudden medical emergency, critical illness and End of Life, so that you can receive the care you want, when you want it.

From Our Customers
Ready to Get Started?
It’s never too early to start planning for your healthcare, no matter what stage of life you’re in. By creating a video-based Advance Care Directive with MIDEO, you can rest assured that your healthcare wishes are clearly communicated and will be respected when you’re unable to speak for yourself.